‘81 Red Dawn Skunk (10 fem seeds per pack)

‘81 Red Dawn Skunk (10 feminized seeds per pack)

Lineage: AK47 Tut Cut x ‘81 FL Heirloom Skunk

Flowering: 11.5 weeks

Height: Medium-Stretchy

Yield: 2.0-2.2lbs/kW


Classic AK47 sativa tut cut crossed to 1981 FL Heirloom Skunk. It’s a plant that will stretch at least 2.5 times in flower. Large, long slender leaves, big, thick and strong stalk. We’d advise to stake it but the stalk is so thick on so many phenos only the bottom branches may need to be staked. Easy growing plant, but will bush out and the main top will stretch in 12/12. She’ll do well if you top her to keep her height in check.

The yield is pretty significant. If you’re dialed in 2.2lbs isn’t hard to achieve indoors per kW. Or 720 watt LED given enough root space and nutrients.

The smell and flavor is really strong skunky, hashy, ammonia sharpness, rotted garbage and ends in an earthy sweetness.

This plant will grow massive if you allow it. Allow for 2.5x’s stretch in 12/12. She’s averaging 11-11.5 weeks in flower. Very large yield. Your pot size or hydro bucket size will determine how large she gets. She’s not really finicky, she’ll eat up nutes, she’ll get massive and she’ll look like a proper sativa should.

Tipo de variedad: Híbrida
Sexo: Feminizada / Hembra
Floración: 60 - 70 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Media
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 20
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