Luis A Rodriguez

Luis A Rodriguez

Just a grower

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Siguen a 25 personas

13 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 13/13)

Super Strainly member who knows the value of good comms. Fast payment and truly legit Dude.

Highly recommended!


Bullrider sobre el anuncio Loompa Farms – Yeti OG (Headband BX) hace 4 meses.

Everything went well great customer

The firehouse seedbank sobre el anuncio Mota rebel lemon g hace 2 años.

Fantastic! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Looking forward to next time! Thanks!

DVC Collective - ACCOUNT DISABLED sobre el anuncio Forest Fire F2 hace 2 años.
Luis A Rodriguez