Bee kind genetics

Bee kind genetics

I'm a grower and breeder in Minnesota .
Trying to bring the dank to my state .. I've bred some strains and plan to post some in the future ....

( Original creator of the Big mama strain )

Licensed with the department of agriculture with a valid seed permit
I'm only responsible for the germination rates of seeds that are labeled bee kind genetics ( so if it's from a different breeder and I'm selling it I am not responsible for the germination rates on the seeds I outsourced)
I only ship within the USA
Will be rolling out more hybrid lines in the near future
Regular seeds and feminized from Photoperiod to auto flower
I accept p.aypal
And strike

All seed packs include extra seeds

All orders over 40$ include additional freebies

All orders over 100$ include double additional freebies

Numero de licencia: 20257234

15 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 8 personas

25 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 25/25)


jake sobre el anuncio Sour diesel automatic 5+ feminized seeds 15 días atrás.

awesome experience extra packing care good prices fast shipping quality exclusive extras. tysm man bee kind great vibes

jake sobre el anuncio 9Lb hammer 25 seeds ( REGULAR not feminized) 15 días atrás.

Excellent seller!

Bee kind genetics