

I buy, sell, trade and keep all kinds of genetics, seeds and clones.

20 year collection.If you are looking for something you can't find just ask I have thousands of seed packs going all the way back to the late 90's.

Numero de licencia: 4454842960

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Siguen a 5 personas

29 reseñas recibidas (90% positiva, 26/29)

Very smooth

Jamin sobre el anuncio Exoticgenetix - 'Sunset Runtz' (Sherb x Runtz) 4 días atrás.

Reslly takes pride in what he ships!! Healthiest hearty clone!!

Jesse sobre el anuncio Chem Cookies (GMO) (Skunkmaster Flex Cut 1 año atrás.

Great Strainly member. Hope to do business again soon.
