Dalai Farma

Dalai Farma

20+ year growing experience and avid seed collector/junkie, lol. I started growing back in the 90's when Northern lights and Skunk 1 were predominant. Not long after that, the original Jack Herer hit the scene. What a phenomenal strain. Since then I've grown so many strains I can't count lol. I'm glad we have U.S. seedbanks now and don't have to order from Europe anymore, lol. Well I guess if you want some Sannie's you have to but, you get the jist,

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Siguen a 3 personas

2 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 2/2)

This was by far the best deal I have ever done.

Everything went smooth as ice.

Daniel was the coolest cat to deal with. Kind and honest this guy was.

Cant wait for another great deal from him and a sandwich!

Ryon sobre el anuncio Gage Green Genetics Grapestomper OG hace 5 años.

Very nice person and very responsive!

Seeds were sent quickly and received in a very short delay.

Definitely recommended!

Atch sobre el anuncio Grape Stomper BX/BX2 hace 5 años.
Dalai Farma