

Hobby grower since 2007.
I love how this plant can be used as medicine.
It’s my passion to grow.

Only payment I take is Cash App and cash. If that doesn’t work, we can try to work something out.
Most of the time I try to ship mondays.

7 Anuncios abiertos

No sigue a ningún usuario

14 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 14/14)

Great transaction. Friendly & quick to pay. Thank you very much!

What can I say? Great service fast and as easy as going to McDonald's to the drive-thru and the freebies are the drool over. Definitely be back to do business in the future

Esteban sobre el anuncio Grape pie S1 hace 2 años.

perfect transaction fast shipper

Genesis Genetics sobre el anuncio Sundae Driver S1 hace 2 años.