FullPower Selections

FullPower Selections

FullPower Selections is a Landrace/heirloom Seed another featuring collectives of seed collectors/hunters from south east and central Asia.

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5 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 5/5)

Everything went perfectly. Ten stars.

Worcestershire_Farms sobre el anuncio Kashmir (Pulwama) hace 4 años.

A good experience. Arrival in a timely manner.

Everything in order. Glad to have access to genuine genetics from a seemingly trustworthy source.

Ted sobre el anuncio Orrisa Gold hace 4 años.

Seeds arrived safely and in a timely manner, especially considering the distance they came. Nice package, healthy looking seeds.

Will order again soon.

Ted sobre el anuncio Kerala Gold hace 4 años.
FullPower Selections