Pink House Blooms

Pink House Blooms

We are Colorado cultivators with an OG emphasis.
We cultivate with Bio-Natural practices.
We are Down to Blaze

4 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 8 personas

7 reseñas recibidas (86% positiva, 6/7)

Processed my order very quickly and sent me extras, so excited to get on these great genetics, thanks again for the solid business.

Justin sobre el anuncio Mars OG x Duct Tape hace 2 años.

Thanks to this guy, got a rare cross that I had been looking for for years

Iseewaves sobre el anuncio Mars OG x Duct Tape hace 3 años.

Worked out a trade deal, but never received his end of the deal. No communication.

SpankBank Clones sobre el anuncio Hycee hace 5 años.
Pink House Blooms