CenturionPro Silver Bullet Trimmer

The CenturionPro Silver Bullet Trimmer - Whistle While You Work

The Centurion Pro Silver Bullet is the twin sibling of the CenturionPro Original - which is where it all began for CenturionPro. The Original and Silver Bullet are widely considered some of the best commercial trimming machines in the industry.

Stop wasting days to weeks trimming your bud by hand. The CenturionPro Silver Bullet will replace an entire trimming crew of 25 people, saving you tons of hassle, wages, inefficiency, risk and more. But what sets this machine apart is the This is one of the best investments you can make for your commercial grow.
The CenturionPro Silver Bullet Trimmer comes standard with a dual-purpose hybrid tumbler for trimming both wet and dry.
