Banana Blaze

Banana Blaze is an Indica dominant strain with a compact plant and bud structure. She is selected for her unique flavor profile and high yield. She belongs to our Afghani Kush family because of her genetic background. A true Indica born from the same regions as the legendary cup-winning Mazar and Master Kush varieties.

She is a compact plant which thrives without the use of complicated growth techniques or methods. This makes her perfect for beginners who have never cultivated a cannabis plant before. Growing her naturally, without complicated growth techniques has its advantages. There is less risk of things going wrong and this is ideal for novice growers. They can then focus on the most important things, such as fine-tuning the climate, light, water and food. This plant practically grows herself.

This strain will stretch a little more in bloom than most Indica dominant strains in our collection, such as Bubba Island Kush or Night Queen. Her central 'main cola' can grow into a bloom of epic proportions in the right conditions. A dry weight of 15-30 g for the main bloom is the rule rather than the exception.

Her plant structure can best be described as compact to medium. The internode distance is relatively short and the leaves are of a hybrid structure that lean towards the Indica side - thicker and wider. This feature also makes her less suitable for growing in a SCROG setup.

The genetics used for Banana Blaze guarantee the following properties:

  • A compact plant with sturdy branches and thick leaves.
  • An easy-to-grow plant suitable for beginners who want to grow great tasting cannabis without too much effort.
  • Beautiful chunky and heavy buds that smell wonderfully strong.

Banana Blaze is a great strain for the novice grower. She is easy to control and doesn’t require any special nutrition or growing methods.

Tipo de variedad: Híbrida
Sexo: Feminizada / Hembra
Floración: 60 - 70 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 233