Passion #1

Passion # 1 is one of the oldest outdoor varieties in our collection. This resistant outdoor cannabis strain was discovered in the 1970s in America and then further developed in the Netherlands. This strain has been selectively bred for many years mainly for speed, size, yield and potency. This has made our Passion # 1 one of the fastest, and at the same time the largest outdoor varieties available on the market.

Passion #1 grows with elongated buds that are full of resin. It is a hybrid cannabis plant with the growth pattern of a Sativa and the flowering time of an Indica. She may show a little more of her Indica background during the growing phase compared to the flowering phase. As soon as the plant starts to flower, you will see the more Sativa characteristics emerge more clearly. She eventually becomes a very tall, slender plant with thin leaves. The branches become quite thick, as do the flowers of this strain. With enough soil and sunlight, this becomes a plant of epic proportions.

Passion #1 has been developed purely for both outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. This is not a strain to grow indoors under strong lights. By the end of the flowering phase the plant is full of trichomes. Even the smallest leaves even have a good layer of resin. Passion #1 starts flowering in the last week of July/early August at Dutch latitudes. It is a very tough and resistant strain.

Because of the thin leaves and the open structure, fungus and bud rot have less of a hold on this cannabis strain. The buds become firm but not very compact, they remain slightly softer and more open in structure. Her long buds can easily reach 40-50 cm. These long, continuous blooms should be supported during the end of the flowering phase as they can sometimes sag completely due to the weight of the buds.

The genetics used to breed Passion #1 guarantee the following traits:

  • A strong hybrid outdoor variety with a very high yield
  • Potent buds with a thick resin layer and a high THC level
  • These plants are vigorous and grow very fast, reaching on average between 2-3.5 m tall

Passion #1 is a very stable and durable outdoor variety, she can withstand bad weather reasonably well, which makes her extremely suitable for growing in a moderate climate.

Tipo de variedad: Híbrida
Sexo: Feminizada / Hembra
Floración: <60 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 255