Full pack of Miami Madness & 1/2 pack of Udder madness Madness

Miami Madness
Lineage: (Miami Mami x Udder Madness)
Flower Time: 56-63
Yield: Heavy

Miami Madness was a breeze to grow and should be considered by any new gardener a simple drama free cross. She boasts vigorous vegetative growth. My germination went as expected achieving 100% after just 2 days. Like most of the Udder Madness crosses Miami Madness was no slouch in early veg. I topped her multiple times creating a multi pronged bush. Miami Madness stretched heavily in the first 3 weeks of bloom and quickly took on a berry fuel terpene profile fairly early with vivid bright pink adorned calyx’s and evenly laid frost coat. Morphology wise the flowers range from square dense

Buds to symmetrical elongated colas similar to spears. Her frost across the board broke free from her flowers easily and is sandy in nature, easily falling to the bottom of my bag. I believe her blended heritage of Udder Madness and Miami creates a dominating effect when it comes to pink coloration. I personally kept 6 phenos of Miami Madness to narrow down to just one keeper and it seems impossible I wish you the same luck.

Tipo de variedad: Híbrida
Sexo: Feminizada / Hembra
Floración: 60 - 70 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Alta
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1
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