12 Afghan Logar Landrace Seeds

12 Afghan Logar Landrace Seeds
Genetics: Pure
Area: Province Logar/District of Baraki Barak
Clima: hot, arid, clear, short and strong winter
Yield: Medium
Cultivation: March to April
Harvest time: November - December
Taste & smell: Like berries, sweet, very resinous, oily, fresh, strong.
Effect: Strong Hash, it relaxes and get you a hight at the same time. A very comfortable high!
Grow: Soil, Indoor potting in soil; A place with a lot of sun & light.

Logar has 449,820 inhabitants live on an area of 4,568 km². The provincial capital is Pul-i-Alam. The province is mostly inhabited by Pashtuns. The Logar River flows through the province from south to north. Roughly in the middle of the province, where a river coming from the west flows into the Lugar, are the capital Pul-i-Alam and other towns.
In Baraki Barak, the summers are long, hot, arid, and clear and the winters are short, very cold, snowy, and mostly clear. Throughout the year, the temperature generally fluctuates between -3°C and 34°C, rarely falling below -9°C or above 37°C.
The buds can get quite heavy, these plants almost never need support. Her frame
is very sturdy with a large and sturdy main trunk. The stems are so thick and
hard that the plants could easily support 4 times their weight!
Howe to Grow afghan seeds?
Afghan farmers have been growing for centuries. The history of Afghan dates back to 559 BC.
Afghans have not changed their cultivation methods for centuries. The war of the last decades has completely isolated afghanistan. Thus, neither pesticides nor fertilizers have reached Afghanistan. So everything is 100% organic cultivation.
The cultivation methods of Afghan farmers are the same throughout Afghanistan. There are few exceptions.

Tipo de variedad: Landrace
Sexo: Regular
Floración: 60 - 70 días
Rendimiento: Medio
Talla: Media
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1000
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