Florida Sour (06 Florida Kush x 08 Htown Sour)

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Florida Sour (prob f6-f8)
06 Florida Kush
08 HTown Sour

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(Won't Be Back for about 3-5 Years)

Florida Sour
(06 Florida Kush x 08 HTown Sour)
Back in 06, had some nice Florida Kush, what we called Flak.
Basically same thing as what people call Florida Og/Triangle Kush/Crippy now a days
Anyways, my buddies & I came back from Houston in 08, with some intense Sour Diesel from a grower we met out there.
(Shoutout J, dude had amazing aero/hydro setup in Houston)
Couple hermied & hit the Flak, we were running at the time.
We all kept some seeds, & every couple years I bring mine out to do a seed increase.
I usually do open pollination style with the fastest males.
This round I used
Female: A nice small squat kush leaner with mini golf ball size buds, just stacked on top of each other. This is a very small plant, with small yield but the potency & taste are beyond anything.
Male: This time I had a nice three fingered sour d leaner that ended up being pretty fast & nice dropper.
I dont know the filial generation as I have run this every couple years since 08 when they were made & I didn't keep track of that stuff back then.

06 Florida Kush
This was & still is one of my all time favorites.
I would love to run her all the time but sooo slow in veg time.
Back when I started smoking, I had this habit of always saving seeds. At first, I just threw everything into a tupperware but eventually I was kept them separated. This is more than likely from 03-04, but 06 is when I started labeling things properly & actually growing indoors compared to guerilla style.
But she was a slow compact extremely frosted & tasty. One of my favorite highs, & tastes like lemony vanilla. Grows super slow & always ends up with small yield, the buds are lil little mini golf balls stacked onto each other.

We called it Flak or Florida Kush to tourists on the beach. Just my favorite kush from early 00's in CFL.

08 HTown Sour
In 08, went to Houston for like almost a year, with some buddies. We met a dude named J (Name Redacted), that had an insane aero/hydro setup.
Dude had insane knowledge & if wasn't for him, I don't know If I would have gotten into breeding.
Anyways, he had some insane stuff & one of the main things he had was this crazy sour.
Grew like crazy & true foxtail tops with a darkish lime green & long oraneg hairs. Had insane sour gas/sweet earthy lemon lime taste.
Not sure when he got this sour as I never wrote that info down, but our crazy asses drove back to Florida from Houston with a trunk full of plants.
At some point in Florida, the Sour hermied & got the whole room.
Only kept a few crosses but saved a few seeds from the hermie, & have been running them every few years to keep stock fresh.
Its prob like f4-f5 at this point, & makes some crazy sour plants.
I have done open pollination stlye on these sinec, you get a couple phenos from fast three fingered plants that grow like a vine to super tall that produces giant colas that go about 80-90 days.

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Tipo de variedad: Híbrida
Sexo: Regular
Floración: >80 días
Rendimiento: Medio
Talla: Alta
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1
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