Auction - Purple Sour Diesel

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Savour the Sweet and Sour Delight of Sour Diesel x Purple Kush
Step into the world of exquisite with Sour Diesel x Purple Kush. Named for its remarkable blend of flavors, this strain features dominant sour notes perfectly balanced with a delightful sweetness from Purple Kush. The potency of this strain cannot be overstated, promising an intense boutique of feelings that make every moment profoundly enjoyable. A must-try for connoisseurs and novices alike, Sour Diesel x Purple Kush will undoubtedly elevate your experience to a new level

12 Regular seeds per pack

Bitcoin, Cash App, Zelle and GPay

Fecha de vencimiento de la subasta: 11 may 2024
Tipo de variedad: Híbrida
Sexo: Regular
Floración: 70 - 80 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Media
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1