Clone Auction - Honduras

El ganador de la subasta se compromete a completar la transacción dentro de las 72 horas. ¡No pagar por una subasta ganada da como resultado una evaluación negativa y una posible suspensión!

Central American pure sativa from Honduras.

Honduras’ growing structure, flowering time, flower distribution and overall appearance are reminiscent of the old long flowering and high yielding lowland Colombians. On the other hand, the effect and terpenes are closer to the old Mexican sativas of clean, happy and positive effects. The effect has a stimulant component similar to the most exciting and nervous African sativas.

A classical tropical sativa of huge yield, high flower/leaf ratio, high vigor and excellent resistance against the adverse weather conditions of warm humid climates (rains and fungus).

Excellent landrace sativa seed to work, for music, for outdoor activities, to socialize … good against migraine and apathy.
Not recommended in case of anxiety, insomnia, heart problems or parkinson.

Fecha de vencimiento de la subasta: 26 jun 2024
Tipo de variedad: Landrace
Sexo: Feminizada / Hembra
Floración: >80 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Alta
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1
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