Acapulco Gold

Mass Medical Strains – Acapulco Gold (13 reg seeds)
Mass Medical - Acapulco Gold
Genetics: Vintage Mexican Sativa Landrace
Seeds in the pack: 13
Sex: Regular
Flowering Time: 12-24 weeks
Type: Pure Sativa
Yield: High
Height: Tall (is an understatement) can stretch 5-10x when flipped. Recommended flipping to flower from small clone or topped seed under 8 inches. See above growing notes for easy success.
Flavor: Citrus, honey, sweet, fruity, sativa, old school!
Effect: Hilarious, positive, creative, energized, uplifted, happy, clear yet psychoactive!
Area (Indoor, Outdoor, Both): indoor or tropical, greenhouse. Not for short season northern climates outdoors.

Notes: This is a rare, vintage strain which is extremely hard to come by these days. If you haven’t smoked this original import decades ago, chances are your parents or grandparents did, and it’s all they talk about (still!)

Landrace strains are pure genetic lines which evolved in a particular region to be a certain way over long periods of time. This is much different than the hybrid strains that people breed by crossing two strains together. Pure landraces have much more unique traits to them, and often with that comes a very very unique type of high!

These seeds are really special, pure, vintage sativa landrace seeds. For those who don’t believe there is a difference between and sativa, they have not grown these seeds! Flipping them to flower at 8 inches tall, topped 2-4 times, you can expect a finished plant between 4-6 feet tall, with massive yields. Save big on veg time, they do most of their growth in the first weeks of flower. Depending on phenotype, these can take 12-24 weeks to bloom. They’re easier to grow than it sounds, and they’re a perfect addition to any perpetual flower room. Prefers high intensity light, and if you trim away all the shaded lower and middle branches, you will get really full fat tops! An amazing citrusy sativa aroma and zingy flavor. A high that makes you laugh and love, very energetic, positive, uplifting, clear, and in some phenos, psychedelic too.

You guys may have seen me growing out these seeds I made earlier this year, with massive sativa spears! After I released some Acapulco Gold in 2019, selling some and then giving away over 1000 packs as freebies, Bodhi Seeds(plantmoreseeds) was in support of my project and he sent me some more Acapulco Gold seeds.

This new Acapulco Gold release is sold with full written permission from Bodhi Seeds (plantmoreseeds) who these Acapulco Gold seeds come from! A significant portion of proceeds will go to a charity project in India through our friend GreenBodhi, building wells for communities that don’t have access to clean water! MMS built one so far, and my goal is to build many more thanks to this landrace project!

Growing tips: in a 1 gallon pot, plant 3-6 seeds evenly spaced around. Veg for a few weeks, top 1-4 times as you like. It’s ok if their wide lateral branches cross over each other. Once branches are long enough to clone, cut them back and clone if you like. Transplant into a 3 gallon fabric pot, and flip directly into flower under 11/13 light cycle (that’s 11 on, 13 off, I use it for everything, not just sativas!)
As the plants grow and stretch, they will begin to show gender and you can cut down any unwanted male plants at the base. You can grow multiple females in the same pot, and I suggest using a supersoil like Michigan Mix M3. Even though the flower time is extended with this sativa strain, they are very light feeders so the super soil will take them all the way with no additional inputs. If you use a pot larger than 3 gallons, these plants will stretch super big and out of control. Small 3 gallon pots for flowering will help keep the plants a manageable size indoors.

These plants happily grow together multiple in one container, and can be cut back at any time during flower if they become too big, so it’s not as hard to grow as you might think. This is a pure preserved landrace population, and is much different than the modern hybrids most of us are used to growing!

Acapulco Gold plants prefer high light levels, when they are small being flipped to flower you can prop them up on a bucket so they get enough light for the first few days until they start growing rapidly. I recommend light levels of 500-1000ppfd, and you can push even higher light levels during mid flower, watching the plant’s response. Does best with full spectrum lighting, like MH, CMH, or white LEDs. Clearing off the shaded and lower branches will promote fatter buds up top, too!

This vintage sativa strain is so important to me and our entire community, as one of the backbone building blocks of all future hybrids, these pure and unique landraces must be preserved pure. I highly encourage you to make more

Tipo de variedad: Landrace
Sexo: Regular
Floración: >80 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Alta
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 1
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