Chem #3 clone only (Chem #3)

Chem #3 (All will be shipped next day UPS which is why the shipping cost is what it is; we do not have extras to replace so they will all ship next day air via UPS)

This is a listing for Chem #3 clone only. Not Chem #1. Not Chem #2. Not Chem #4. Not Chem 91.

This is for Chem #3 that the VP of product development said we would never release. Currently he is recovering from an intensive surgery and the other partners have agreed we release the couple extras and ask him for forgiveness or they get tossed into the compost pile since we’re out of room in undercurrent, titan buckets, waterfarm and already have several in flower already.

Defoliate at the beginning of flower

This is a 67 day optimal flowering time strain. This strain took the VP years and ninja raiding the government cheese cave in Missouri plus extra trade to acquire. This is hyperbole, we don’t know any ninja. It wasn’t a small feat.

This plant is very finicky. Even the hybrids Bodhi made about a decade ago with Chem #3 were so finicky he stopped breeding with it from complaints of how finicky it is even in a hybrid. It leaves no margin for error at all. It will not tolerate pH swings, it will not tolerate swings in temperature, relative humidity, or in hydro swings in water temperature. Even when she’s happy, she may still exhibit curling and in severe cases fade out.

This is an expert level strain. There’s no other way to explain it. This isn’t your basement, feed it the same as all your other type strains. There is no margin for error at all, at any stage.

In the end it’s all worth it. The strain is the most resinous of all of the chems. It’s a chemmy, skunky gassy, earthy, sour. The sour is faint at the end but the sour is what lingers on the tongue when the chemmy skunky funk. The yield is pretty great if she’s dialed in and done correctly.

We recommend using an inert media. You don’t want to run undercurrent with a pH injection system because the back and forth up and down she will go wonky on you. We’ve found inert media with its own reservoir with a pH injection system on only the reservoir that evens out before watering is best. Constant temp, constant pH, constant nutes that you can nudge up slightly through flowering and then drip to waste is best. That way should there be an issue you can flush right away. Keeping a log of your pH and PPM/EC is best. Checking your runoff is also beneficial so you know what went in and what came out. So you can keep track of what she did well with. Coco and promix will also be different.

The pictures of the clones are of the exact clones being released. The other partners gave the green light and whatever doesn’t get a new home will be tossed in our compound mound. We have all agreed it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission releasing her.

This is going to be an extremely limited release. Even though the VP didn’t want them released ever after what he went through to obtain them. The VP having surgery yesterday and himself and one other person having this strain may mean this strain disappears if a couple don’t let released and something happens to him.

The pictures below are the clones and there’s a picture of one we have flowering. Again this is an expert level care strain.

Tipo de variedad: Variedad reliquia
Sexo: Feminizada / Hembra
Floración: 60 - 70 días
Rendimiento: Alto
Talla: Media
Interior / Exterior:
Cantidad disponible: 3
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