

Female cannabis breeder for Melvanetics

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7 reseñas recibidas (86% positiva, 6/7)

So, these guys totally ripped me off! I ordered some of their Mel's Orange #6 back in early March. I was told to send cash quickly so as to reserve a 10 pack using my tracking number. They received my 80$, and in at least 3 communications via email I was repeatedly assured that my seeds were on their way. It is now July, and they aren't responding to me anymore. Such a shame, I really had my hopes up with this company. Don't do business with them unless you want to be ripped off!

Constant Elevation Seeds sobre el anuncio Mel's Orange F6 hace 4 años.

Really nice to meet people like Melvanetics. Great to have an outlet to such great genetics. My garden will sing from this purchase. Thank you so much!

Usuario eliminado sobre el anuncio Orange Peel Ghash MotaRebel Genetics hace 4 años.

Great to work with, would definitely recommend!

Rusty sobre el anuncio Juana C Stars MotaRebelGenetics hace 4 años.