Radical Roots Seeds

Radical Roots Seeds

Small craft seed creator based on UK and Spain
Trades welcomed

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Siguen a 24 personas

5 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 5/5)

Extremely trustworthy and generous. Sent his trade from overseas first and it arrived FAST! Everything we agreed upon AND SOME..very informative and very generous. One of the best trades across the pond yet. Genetics are fire! #NewFamily. Would recommend him to EVERYBODY

#OhanaBaby sobre el anuncio Critical mass boundle pack hace 5 años.

Couldn't of went any smother great customer to have on your team...

really a great trader!

everything arrived sealed well and in perfect condition! absolutely fantastic!

I also found a very good friend!

Sapphirecookiekush sobre el anuncio FPOG x Wedding cake x Gelato hace 6 años.
Radical Roots Seeds