

Small private outdoor grower. Not an expert by any means but love trying different strains. Not a breeder so far.

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Siguen a 28 personas

15 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 15/15)

It was an absolute pleasure to deal with Rhino and transaction was great from beginning to end.

Really appreciative of Guys like Rhino in the community For sure! And an Asset to the Strainly Platoon

Nikolai GroBro sobre el anuncio Triangle Pupil by Mass Medical Strains 1 año atrás.

Great transaction, friendly & quick to pay. Thank you!!

Great person to deal with, highly recommended and a fantastic member of this community! Nothing but love and respect!

Sunshine State Seed Company Inc sobre el anuncio Tampa Crippie S3 hace 2 años.