

Collector, purveyor swapping and selling rare and unique genetics. Hit me up if your looking for anything. If I dont have it I can probably find it.

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Siguen a 16 personas

13 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 13/13)

Everything went smoothly I'm very satisfied

501st x Deep Chunk read after the first of the year. Thank you for your patience.

Pheno Pharm - ACCOUNT DISABLED sobre el anuncio 501st x Deep Chunk hace 5 años.

Really happy I found Tim. He's not only friendly, prompt and obviously someone who has a deep relationship with our favorite plant, hes generous too. He gave me so many freebies it was like having a whole other huge order! What a wonderful surprise. Its people like this who will keep the spirit of community alive like we had in the old days, even when corporate cannabis has taken it best shot. Really stoked! A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Humboldt Transplant sobre el anuncio Stardawg IX F3 hace 6 años.