Zebulon Seeds

Zebulon Seeds

Growing many strains for more than 15 years, I’ve started to explore breeding processes for 5 years now.
Love to work with great genetics like IBL, Heirloom and landraces. Working on greenhouse and indoor, depending of the strain and breeding goal. Always with organic nutrient, with good care and love.

Selling only tested crosses/selection, preferring to sell quality before quantity. Feel free to ask me your questions, i’ve no secret to hide. It will be a pleasure to discuss with you of genetics, mines but even yours.

2 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 18 personas

4 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 4/4)

Quick and easy transaction!

Mark sobre el anuncio Girl Scout Cookie - GSC 1 año atrás.

Great Strainly Member, no messing about, knew exactly what he wanted and purchased, thanks again and enjoy.

Great person to deal with. Very friendly, hope to see him back in the future

Kinggenetics sobre el anuncio Super Lemon Haze F6 1 año atrás.
Zebulon Seeds