Florida Lights (Florida Kush x Hawaiian x NL5) x Florida Sour

Flamingoz Presents...

Florida Lights
(Florida Kush f2-f3 x (Hawaiian x Northern Lights #5)
Florida Sour
(06 Florida Kush x 08 HTown Sour)
10 regs

Limited 10 Packs Only

(Florida Kush x (Hawaiian x NL5)
Made this cross in like 2011, have ran it a couple times since. Its more lik f3-f4 tops
This was the 06 Florida Kush bagseed, prob f2-f3 at the time.
I got some bud in early 00's that I was told was Hawaiian x NL5, that I had stashed several seeds from. Ran couple times over the years, until this cross was made.

Florida Sour
(06 Florida Kush x 08 HTown Sour)
Back in 06, had some nice Florida Kush, what we called Flak.
Basically same thing as what people call Florida Og/Triangle Kush/Crippy now a days
Anyways, my buddies & I came back from Houston in 08, with some intense Sour Diesel from a grower we met out there.
(Shoutout J, dude had amazing aero/hydro setup in Houston)
Couple hermied & hit the Flak, we were running at the time.
We all kept some seeds, & every couple years I bring mine out to do a seed increase.
I usually do open pollination style with the fastest males.
This round I used
Female: A nice small squat kush leaner with mini golf ball size buds, just stacked on top of each other. This is a very small plant, with small yield but the potency & taste are beyond anything.
Male: This time I had a nice three fingered sour d leaner that ended up being pretty fast & nice dropper.
I dont know the filial generation as I have run this every couple years since 08 when they were made & I didn't keep track of that stuff back then.

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Type de variété: Hybride
Sexe: Regulière
Floraison: 70 - 80 jours
Rendement: Moyen
Taille: Moyenne
Intérieur / Extérieur:
Quantité disponible: 1
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