Auction - Lambs Breath x Jamaican Landrace - 10 Fems

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Discover the exotic fusion of Lambsbreath and Jamaican strains, a premium grade Sativa with roots from Jamaica. Known globally for its robust flavor and heady, uplifting effects, this strain is perfect for dynamic individuals seeking to invigorate their creativity and focus. With a generous sprinkling of trichomes on its fluffy azure-hued nugs and a distinct tropical citrus aroma, this strain embodies the spirit of its idyllic origins

Date d'expiration de l'enchère: 17 juin 2024
Type de variété: Hybride
Sexe: Feminisée / Femelle
Floraison: 70 - 80 jours
Rendement: Élevé
Taille: Grande
Intérieur / Extérieur:
Quantité disponible: 1
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