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28 avis reçus (100% positif, 28/28)

Keyboard_Kat is as cool as the original gif and the Ron Livingston version combined. If you get a request from him, it's legit.

MattsGarden à propos de l'annonce Strayfox Gardenz - Iraqi Skunk x BCSB NL #5 il y a 2 ans.

Was seriously an absolute pleasure doing business with the Keyboard_Kat, seriously amazing peoples, if you guys are looking to do business with them - well I would recommend that you do so!! Thanks so much my friend <3

dziendobry à propos de l'annonce White Creamsicle il y a 2 ans.

Super solid member! Great to work with and incredibly understanding when an inventory blunder took place on my end. Good communication and overall good vibes

SOUR (The Seed Jew) à propos de l'annonce IDGAF - Lit Farms il y a 2 ans.