Sour Diesel Albany Cut

Sour Diesel Albany Cut

The legendary cut of sour diesel from Albany, NY, was given to me by BigDoobGenetics. This is the same as the AJ Sour Diesel. AJ found a seed in some of Weasel's original diesel and started growing it in NYC. AJ sold clones to the Albany crew. This is all documented on AJ's Sour on the First Smoke of the Day Podcast. This is the real sour diesel that was big in the NYC delivery service scene in the 2000s. It was that sour you could smell when you walked past someone on the street who had a small bag in their pocket. I bought some off a kid in Washington Park around 2012, and that was the last I saw this strain until now. It commands an extremely high price in today's market. Most recently, in 2023, someone I know of is selling this bud for $800 per ounce in New Jersey. It has wider leaves than the ECSD and a tighter bud structure. It vegs faster than the ECSD.

Takes about 11-12 weeks to flower. It likes lots of salts and HPS lights. Once it gets deficient, it becomes hard to correct. It's not an easy plant to dial in, but if you get it right, it is worth about half its weight in gold. It has one of the best euphoric, uplifting effects of any strain. No ceiling, and you don’t build a tolerance for it.

Tested HLPV free July 2024.
Available as rooted clones or unrooted snips.
Accepted payment methods: Cash in the mail or Bitcoin.

Varietal type: Hybrid
Gender: Regular
Flowering: >80 days
Yield: Medium
Height: Medium
Indoor / Outdoor:
Quantity available: 5
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