

I Love plants been involved with cannabis cultivation since mid 90s. I am on a mission to preserve old school flavors
Haze, OG, Sour Diesel.
im open to trades and or donations I’ll only pass on verified genetics so you get what you ask for.
Happy Growing

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Siguen a 9 personas

6 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 6/6)

Solid guy.

Greg sobre el anuncio Blueberry Cheese hace 4 años.

Smooth as a baby ass! Don’t sleep on this. Homie is for real, honest man doing honest work!

Thanks Krippy, bout to get my glue on.

ChachiGreenguy sobre el anuncio GG4 aka Gorilla Glue#4 hace 5 años.

Easy to work with, thanks for everything!

Mama Funk Clones sobre el anuncio Chemistry hace 5 años.