Violet Aura Creations

Violet Aura Creations

Interested in growing for over a decade, Violet Aura Creations was created by growers for everyone. We have a passion for preservation, as well as innovation. This has been our focus, while eliminating the risk of dealing with shady people or vendors remains our top priority. Payment accepted: cashapp $donjose7 and please add $10 for shipping (US ONLY). All seeds are 5 packs. If seeds do not germinate please notify us promptly.

4 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 49 personas

8 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 8/8)

Excellent simply excellent, a must try, with outstanding gear...

Slowgin sobre el anuncio Lunaberry hace 2 años.


suzy_b_selections sobre el anuncio Rainberry hace 2 años.

Excellent, very trusted!

Slowgin sobre el anuncio Violet Aura hace 2 años.
Violet Aura Creations