Hunter of old genetics, landraces, I am for a return to the sources, crossbreeding of the fundamentals, stabilization of old strains, open to exchange and purchase

5 Anuncios abiertos

Siguen a 10 personas

22 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 22/22)

Really nice to do business with. 10/10

PetalPowerSeedCo sobre el anuncio Subterfuge#1 1 año atrás.

awesome selections and fair prices, crush proof packaging, good communication, overall a great person to work with!

CutieGrows sobre el anuncio Subterfuge#1 1 año atrás.

Great guy to deal with, everything went smoothly, awesome communication and loved the freebies, thank you bro

Daniel sobre el anuncio Te puke thunder - 12 seeds hace 2 años.