High Sierra Seeds

High Sierra Seeds

I produce and trade high quality seeds as well as different mushroom genetics, spores, liquid cultures and swabs.
Current seeds are BC Pinewarp regs, Agent Orange regs, ACDC x Cannatonic regs, Ice Cream Runtz fem, Runtz fem, Ice Cream Sundae regs.

Numero de licencia: N/A

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Siguen a 2 personas

3 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 3/3)

Solid all around dude. Exactly the type of people you want to deal with on Strainly. Quick shipping, easy communication. Hope to keep in touch!

Smooth transaction and prompt shipping. A valued member of the strainly community!

SouvenirCollector sobre el anuncio Sold 1 año atrás.

Real deal

Lukee710 sobre el anuncio Berry Fast hace 2 años.
High Sierra Seeds