

Just moved to California from Colorado due to a heart condition. Been growing on and off for 25 years. Just on here trying to gather some new beans for my collection and possibly sell or trade some of what I have bred.

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Siguen a 16 personas

7 reseñas recibidas (86% positiva, 6/7)

This is what a member off the community should be like. A true man of his word. And after many conversations. I would consider him a friend and a extremely knowledgeable like minded person. Much respect to you. And always will look forward to chats in the future. Thank you 420GuyCA

FTS_Genetics sobre el anuncio Atomic Slaughter hace 4 años.

Great person to work with! Cant wait to do more business with them.

Jason sobre el anuncio Chernobyl hace 4 años.

Quick transaction, thanks for your order.

Usuario eliminado sobre el anuncio *Sold out* more soon Grandberry Soda (GDP X Huckleberry Soda) hace 5 años.